
This year's banquet will be on February 6th at our favorite venue:

Ports O'Call, 1200 Nagoya Way, Berth 76 San Pedro, CA 90731

We'll get together for socializing at 7 pm with all your LAUPS friends and Dive Buddies,

Followed by our raffle - Slide Show and a scrumptious dinner that includes salad, dessert

and one of the entrees listed below:

Filet Mignon at $45.each, or any of the following at $40. each:

Chicken Al Fornaio, Blackened Salmon with Fettuccine Alfredo, Fettucine Alfredo,

or Fettucine with Marinara sauce - you can even have it gluten free!

To sign up all you have to do is go to: and send payments to,

include your Entree selection and guest names in the Paypal notes section.


You don't want to miss it! 

Questions: email Vickie at:


This month’s winners have been posted on our gallery:

Stills ("Eggs"):

1st Place Open – Cameron Azad
2nd Place Open – Tony Frank
3rd Place Open – Kelly Bracken
1st Place Novice – Richard Todd
2nd Place Novice – Richard Todd
3rd Place Novice – Tabby Stone

5-Minute Edited Video:

1st Place – John Forbes, "Sharks from Around the World"
2nd Place - Dana Rodda, "Cute Little Critters from Catalina"
3rd Place - Vickie Elson, "Creepy Crawlers and Other Critters"

Click here to see all the winning images and videos


1st Place: Cameron Azad